For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth; to the Jew first, and also to the Greek.—Romans 1:16
At West Coast, we understand that it is the gospel itself that is the power of God to save and redeem a world that is lost. That’s why our students, alumni, and team work together all around the globe to preach Christ. God has given you a unique purpose that will make a difference when accomplished. Our purpose is to help you train to fulfill your calling.
The WCBC community is defined by a hunger to learn and to live the teachings of Scripture. As a conservative institution with great respect for our Baptist heritage and tradition, we find our ultimate authority in Scripture alone. As a community of believers, we each continuously strive to grow in our own understanding of the Word of God. Your journey as a follower of Christ doesn’t end at graduation, and we are committed to focusing our time together on equipping you to continue growing in your faith long after you have left WCBC.
100% of WCBC students agree that their instructors exemplify a deep faith commitment*
Establish relationships that are centered on a shared commitment to Scripture by making life-long friendships with other Christians who are passionately pursuing their purpose.
Whether it is the engaging Lancaster Baptist Church services on Sunday or the daily college chapel services, you will be challenged and encouraged spiritually through the strong biblical preaching you will hear regularly at West Coast Baptist College.
Develop a biblical worldview by attending classes that—regardless of their academic focus—include Scriptural considerations and purposefully link your academic growth to biblical truth.
Christians who change the world understand that God’s command to make disciples is exclusively personal. Learning how to lead others to Jesus and then passionately engage in evangelization and discipleship is not someone else’s responsibility: it’s mine. Whether you’ve been sharing the gospel since you were a child or the very idea of talking to someone about Christ makes you sweat, WCBC will equip you to personally and effectively bring others to Christ.
97% of WCBC students feel that they are developing a deeper spiritual life and faith commitment*
Learn how to steer a conversation toward Christ and how to become an effective soulwinner. PT 111 Personal Evangelism will give you classroom training, and regular involvement in outreach to the local community will give you personal experience.
Learn about Evangelism MajorJoin in one of WCBC’S many domestic or overseas mission trips to share the gospel and gain personal insights on the great need for laborers in the harvest.
Learn about Missions MajorWCBC students understand that the local church is the center of New Testament ministry—including their own Bible college training. Ministry is not exclusively academic, and ministry training shouldn’t be either. WCBC is inextricably intertwined with Lancaster Baptist Church, a thriving, unaffiliated Baptist church in northern Los Angeles County with which WCBC shares staff, church services, and even its campus. This deep relationship follows the biblical model of local church ministry while providing open access to godly, experienced staff, so that when you leave, you’ll have practical experience in addition to your classroom knowledge.
99% of WCBC students agree that their program provides an integration of theory, theology, and application*
Join in the main auditorium of Lancaster Baptist Church for powerful, dynamic, local-church worship services.
Getting involved in a variety of church ministries during your time here will provide you with years of practical ministry experience before you even graduate.
Since 1986, God has used Pastor and Mrs. Terrie Chappell to win souls, disciple believers, and build God’s church in the Antelope Valley.
Gain a home away from home through the TLC program which connects Lancaster Baptist Church families with WCBC students.
We believe that serving a holy God demands excellence and that the God of the Bible cares deeply about details. From our accreditation to our credentialed faculty and beyond, WCBC is committed to pursuing excellence and to training our students to do the same. This constant effort helps to ensure that when you graduate, you will not only be spiritually prepared and practically experienced, but you will be equipped to excel in your field.
98% of WCBC students agree that their instructors demonstrate expert knowledge and depth of insight*
Did you know that every man who graduates from WCBC has to first pass an oral, comprehensive doctrinal exam? It is this kind of commitment to excellence that God has used to graduate thousands of well-prepared laborers for the harvest.
Students in the Creative Arts Department learn to effectively share the life-changing message of the gospel through high-quality, high-impact video production, photography, graphic arts, and web design.
Learn about the Visual Arts MajorPersonal relationships are at the core of biblical discipleship. That’s why we prioritize people. We don’t just teach you how to go soulwinning: we go soulwinning and take you with us. We don’t just tell you to serve: we serve right next to you. When our team eats in the dining hall, we don’t have our own area—we want to eat with you. The more you interact with WCBC, the more you will find that everything we do—from admissions, to financial counseling, to ministry placement your senior year and beyond—is focused squarely on helping you personally to find and fulfill your calling.
Get your questions answered and dive deep in any subject by taking advantage of WCBC’s open-door policy. WCBC’s faculty and staff are here for you all day every day.
The student/staff relationship isn’t all academic. That’s why our students are regularly invited to staff homes for relaxation and fun. Our students discover that if they ever have a question about how or why we do something, we welcome the inquiry and do our best to provide an answer.
We understand that life isn’t about us and neither is your college experience. Both are about magnifying our Creator Who loved the world so much that He took on the form of a servant. As a local-church Bible college, we train Christians that serving others is a critical component to changing the world for Christ. You deserve to be trained by a team that are experienced in their fields yet humble in their demeanors. At WCBC, you will be taught to lead through serving—wherever God may take you.
98% of WCBC students agree that the internship/field study programs provide valuable learning and growth experiences*
Serving the church family and broader Antelope Valley community through the Lancaster Baptist Church bus ministry is one of the many ways WCBC students learn to lead by serving.
Loving on Lancaster provides an opportunity for WCBC students to serve the local community while spreading the Gospel.
Grow as a leader through Student Government or one of the many other opportunities designed to develop leadership skills through selfless service.
Impactful Christians know that all truth is God’s truth. College is not a destination: it’s preparation to fulfill your purpose and to impact the world. When God created us in His image, He gave us the ability to think, to assess, and to create, and He expects us to develop and deploy these skills for His glory. The WCBC faculty is composed of thinkers who bring both personal experience and strong academic training to the classroom, so that you’ll be able to not only pass classes but to continue learning for a lifetime.
Current faculty to student ratio
96% of WCBC students agree that they are learning valuable principles that apply to their chosen field*
The WCBC Library provides access to hundreds of thousands of scholarly resources including books, journals, and other assets.
Learn MoreThe WCBC faculty represent degrees from more than thirty institutions, and the vast majority hold a graduate or terminal credential in their field.
Connect with FacultyMany of the faculty members of WCBC have multiple decades of experience in their fields of teaching.
Take advantage of the Writing Center which provides ongoing, personalized mentorship in the skill of written communication.
Have a deeper understanding of what you believe, why you believe it, and how to defend it from Scripture.
If God has given you interest and abilities in the field of music, West Coast is here to help you develop and apply that talent to further the gospel of Jesus Christ.
Learn about Church Music Major Learn about Music Education Major96%
96% of WCBC students say that there is a welcoming sense of community on campus*
96% of WCBC students say their education has deepened their appreciation for diverse perspectives*
Every on-campus WCBC student joins a collegian during WAE Week. Collegians provide communities within the student body through which students engage in service opportunities, group activities, and intramural sports. From making new friends to winning team championships to serving together in various projects, you’ll make a ton of great memories with your collegian.
Learn about WCBC CollegiansWhen classes are out and you get a minute off work, you’re going to love the campus life and the student spirit of West Coast. Plus, within an hour or two of campus, there’s a lot to see and do in Southern California. You’re going to have some experiences here that you’ll never forget.
Who doesn’t love cheering their home team to victory? WCBC offers NCCAA intercollegiate sports for men’s basketball and women’s volleyball. In addition, all students have the opportunity to engage in various intramural sports and challenges through regular collegian competitions.
WCBC hosts a growing number of student groups and clubs including Drama Club, Missionary Prayer Band, Student Revival, Filmmakers Club, Swift Coding Club, Pro-Life Prayer Group, Trades Club, and more. And if you happen to have a passion for something that isn’t already established, why not start a new one?