Course List | West Coast Baptist College

Course List

Displaying 1 - 7 of 7 courses

Practical Theology
Dr. Paul Chappell

Dr. Paul Chappell

Founder and President

This course is taught by Dr. Chappell to equip young men for the work of local church ministry. Students will gain both biblical and practical insights in areas such as Baptist church planting, discipleship, contemporary theology, servant leadership, staff training, and the administration of local church work.

Class Lectures

Understanding Ministry Path

Seven Principles for Building a Soulwinning Church

Gaining and Retaining Godly Influence Part 1

Gaining and Retaining Godly Influence part 2

Servant Leadership in the Local Church part 1

Servant Leadership in the Local Church part 2

Academic Term: 
Free Online
Term Category: 
Full Semester
Free Online
Introduction to Biblical Counseling

Dr. George Crabb


WCBC is excited to offer this FREE online course, Introduction to Biblical Counseling, to anyone interested! Dr. George Crabb, a certified Biblical counselor and Mental Health Coach, will be instructing on how to practically apply the principles of the Bible to everyday struggles that people face.

Class Lectures

How Jesus Counseled People

How to Deal with Stress

Counseling Anxiety

Counseling Depression


Suicide Prevention

Counseling Anger

Counseling Grief


Keeping Love Alive (Marriage Counseling Session)

Academic Term: 
Free Online
Term Category: 
Full Semester
Free Online
Baptist History and Distinctives

Dr. John Goetsch

Executive Vice President

This lecture series will survey the history of Baptist churches throughout the past two thousand years. Special emphasis will be placed on the historical distinctives of Baptists.

Class Lectures

Lecture 1

Lecture 2

Lecture 3

Lecture 4

Lecture 5

Lecture 6

Lecture 7

Lecture 8

Lecture 9

Lecture 10

Lecture 11

Lecture 12

Lecture 13

Lecture 14

Lecture 15

Lecture 16

Lecture 17

Lecture 18

Lecture 19

Lecture 20

Lecture 21

Academic Term: 
Free Online
Term Category: 
Full Semester
Free Online
Personal Evangelism

Jerry Ferrso

Instructor—Church Ministries

This lecture series is designed to help the individuals be an effective witness for the Lord. Instruction will be given on how to reach the lost with the Gospel.

Class Lectures

Sharing the Gospel (Part 1)

Sharing the Gospel (Part 2)

What is a Witness? (Part 1)

What is a Witness (Part 2)

Essentials for Soulwinning

Personal Evangelism

How To Lead Someone To Christ (Introduction)

How To Lead Someone To Christ (Beginning the Conversation)

How to Lead Someone to Christ (Genuine Interest)

The 11th Commandment

Turning Towards Spiritual Matters

Three Important Questions

Steps 1-3

Steps 4-6

Steps 7-8

Sweetheart List

Leaving The New Christian With Assurance

Having Fruit That Remains

Academic Term: 
Free Online
Term Category: 
Full Semester
Free Online

Dr. Tobi England

Chief Academic Officer


This lecture series is designed to give the believer a system of principles to defend his faith, as well as present evidences that support the authenticity of the Christian worldview.

Class Lectures

Lecture 1

Lecture 2

Lecture 3

Lecture 4

Lecture 5

Lecture 6

Lecture 7

Lecture 8

Lecture 9

Lecture 10

Lecture 11

Academic Term: 
Free Online
Term Category: 
Full Semester
Free Online
Old Testament Survey
Nathan Birt

Dr. Nathan Birt

Administrative Liaison/Student Life


This lecture series will give each individual an overview of the Old Testament. We will walk through each book, learn its significance, key words, key verses, key truths, and understand its broad outline and application for New Testament believers. Special emphasis is placed upon authorship, date, and purpose. Passages of particular doctrinal significance will be examined and discussed. As this is a survey, it is merely introductory in nature.

Class Lectures



Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy

Joshua, Judges, Ruth

1 and 2 Samuel

Kings and Chronicles

Ezra, Nehemiah, Esther



Major Prophets

Minor Prophets Part 1

Minor Prophets Part 2

Academic Term: 
Free Online
Term Category: 
Full Semester
Free Online
New Testament Survey

Nick Piervicenti

Director of Admissions


This lecture series will give each individual an overview of the New Testament. Special emphasis is placed upon authorship, date, and purpose of each book. This course will also examine the background and content of each book. Briefly mentioned will be the intertestamental period in order to place the ministry of Jesus Christ into a historical context.

Class Lectures

Silent Years Part A

Silent Years Part B

Silent Years Part C

Synoptic Gospels





Acts Part 1

Acts Part 2


1 Corinthians

2 Corinthians





1 Thessalonians

2 Thessalonians

1-2 Timothy

Hebrews and James

1-2 Peter

1-3 John, Jude


Academic Term: 
Free Online
Term Category: 
Full Semester
Free Online