Online Class Schedule for 2024 Fall Master's Terms A (9/2-10/19) and B (10/21-12/7) | West Coast Baptist College

Online Class Schedule for 2024 Fall Master's Terms A (9/2-10/19) and B (10/21-12/7)

Term A
Course Code Course Name Credit Instructor Book Information
BC 512 Marriage and Family Counseling 3.00 Marie Cox View Books
BI 501 Old Testament Introduction 3.00 Nathan Birt View Books
BI 511 Apologetics and Worldview 3.00 Tobi England View Books
BI 522 Doctrinal Synopsis 1 3.00 Daniel Stevens View Books
ED 502 Educational Methodologies 3.00 Amanda McKelroy View Books
ED 542 Advanced Philosophy of Christian Education 3.00 John Goodale View Books
EN 501 Research and Writing 3.00 Jennifer Blake View Books
PT 511 Servant Leadership 3.00 David Adams View Books
Term B
Course Code Course Name Credit Instructor Book Information
BC 502 Trauma and Crisis Counseling 3.00 Nick Piervicenti View Books
BI 502 New Testament Introduction 3.00 Daniel Stevens View Books
BI 503 Advanced Hermeneutics 3.00 Daniel Stevens View Books
BI 512 Systematic Theology 3.00 Gary Spaeth View Books
BI 523 Doctrinal Synopsis 2 3.00 Daniel Stevens View Books
ED 501 Learning Theories 3.00 Amanda McKelroy View Books
ED 522 Student Evaluations 3.00 David Warren View Books
ED 552 Education Capstone 3.00 Jennifer Blake View Books