Old Testament Survey for Free Online | West Coast Baptist College
Old Testament Survey
Nathan Birt

Nathan Birt

Administrative Liaison/Student Life


This lecture series will give each individual an overview of the Old Testament. We will walk through each book, learn its significance, key words, key verses, key truths, and understand its broad outline and application for New Testament believers. Special emphasis is placed upon authorship, date, and purpose. Passages of particular doctrinal significance will be examined and discussed. As this is a survey, it is merely introductory in nature.

Class Lectures



Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy

Joshua, Judges, Ruth

1 and 2 Samuel

Kings and Chronicles

Ezra, Nehemiah, Esther



Major Prophets

Minor Prophets Part 1

Minor Prophets Part 2

Academic Term: 
Free Online
Term Category: 
Full Semester
Free Online